UK Radio Stations

Radio station

Power 97'D

Power 97' D

Country: United States
Genre:Variety, Gospel, R&B
External Live StreamFormatBitrate

Your Source for a difference in Urban radio where you will find - Gospel , R & B , Adult Urban Contemporary ,  Southern Soul , Jazz Reggae , Hip-Hop (Non- Explicit ) , Old School & Independent & Major Artists music. The difference is here with less talk & more uninterrupted music in a row...



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Greetings, I just stopped by to say hello. Hope everyone is in high spirits and enjoying life. Please play "God's Gonna Bless You." I think your listeners will like it.
Now that's a difference in music variety on this station..Keep doing your thang !!!
Jamming on the one
Loving the Soulful Sounds on Power 97!! Keep playing that Awesone Gospel and R & B, and I'll keep coming back. Please also keep my music in the mix. God Bless.
This is a different approach to urban contemporary radio without all that chatter more good music to enjoy!! Check them out really !!